We have developed multiple turn-key attractions that supply fun for everyone.

Our roots are in freestyle sports where we are redefining athlete limitations. Soon we started transferring these extreme sport experiences into thrilling activities that are accessible to everyone. Throughout the years, we have accumulated a wealth of experience and know-how creating exciting and unforgettable attractions at both indoor and outdoor parks across the globe.

Multiple concepts have been developed into complete attractions. Each attraction has a wide target audience with different thrilling activities and multiple revenue streams to create a fast return on investment. Modularity and thematization are the core of each attraction, so it will fit within any holiday park, adventure park or family entertainment center.

  • Low running & maintenance costs
  • Guaranteed quality – Born from working with worlds best athletes
  • Designed with safety and operations in mind
  • One BigAirBag®, countless activities, endless fun

Safety comes first

At BigAirBag®, safety is our highest priority and something that we take extremely seriously. We provide in-depth customer safety training and certification as a standard to give our clients the knowledge base required to ensure the safety of the end users of our products at all times.

Create a crowd magnet

Where ever you position the BigAirBag®, it is a guaranteed crowd pleaser! People will flock from far and wide eager to have a go or just sit and enjoy the fun and watch the excitement These are the type of activities that will make you go viral.

Unlimited branding possibilities

BigAirBag® gives you full creative control of the theme, branding, and activities of the products. We will work alongside the client to produce their dream attraction so they may choose which activities they want to be implemented into the final design. This lets you create a structure which is more than just an attraction but which is full to the brim with personality and character.

Turn-key attraction specialist

  • Internationally certified for safety and quality
  • Easy to operate and at low costs
  • Includes blower, maintenance kit, and anchoring system
  • 4 year product warranty

Professional consultation

We understand your location is unique and you want to make sure you build a setup that provides a thrill for your customers. We can supply a complete setup consultation including trajectory analysis to make sure you get the airtime you want.

Building Block Attractions

Start with one and combine another, all our attractions are modular and extendable. As a low-cost alternative to adapting an existing setup all our systems below can be combined at any point of the time line to create a unique and unforgettable versatile attraction.

TÜV certified
Our products are internationally certified for quality and safety by TÜV Süd
Conform EU and US safety regulations
Our products conform to and exceed both the European Union safety regulations for inflatable sports equipment and the US safety standards set out by the ASTM.

Download the Attractions catalog

All you need to know about BigAirBag® Attractions!


“We had a great season. Thanks also to the BigAirBag, the number of entrance tickets sold to our adventure park has exceeded all previous years by far! Our first video has reached a lot of people on social media. The product is simply amazing and definitely something that we would recommend!”

Florian EichelGeneral Manager - Adventure park Tarquinia (Italy)

I’m free fallin’!

Tubby Jumps!

POV: Get ready to launch!

Ninja Park setup ideas

Tubby Landing airbag

World’s only airbag scad drop

Trampoline Station

Are you ready for take off?

Tubby Jump Fun!

Drop Slide

BigAirBag® Slide and fly!

BigAirBag® Adventure Park attractions

Choose your next steps

Request your price

01  Fill out the contact form
02 Get expert consultation and price for your busines
03 Confirm details with our Operations Team
04 Receive installation & product training
05  Start jumping

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Need help or have questions on what model works best for you? Schedule a call with one of our consultants. Our global team is ready to help you redefine your limits.

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Kapoeasweg 16
1043 AD Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Phone (EU) +31 20 893 2161
[email protected]

Try & Buy  Unsure about this investment or need to convince stakeholders? Try out a BigAirBag and we’ll refund the rental fee if you decide to purchase the BigAirBag.

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We’ll answer all your questions

Why are there price differences for the annual inspection per region?
What if major repairs are needed?
Can I schedule an inspection at any time?
Why is an Annual Inspection necessary?
Can I visit the BigAirBag Factory?
Do you offer installation & training on location?
Do you transport globally?
How to choose the right size?
Do you offer leasing options?
Which payment options do you offer?
Who can use a BigAirBag?
How to make your sky a playground for your customers
What is the price of a BigAirBag?
I need advice in my own language
How do I install my BigAirBag?
What is the Peace of Mind Service contract? And what is included?
What are the expenses for transport of the BigAirBag to my location?
How can I get in contact with BigAirBag?
How can I change or cancel my order?
Do you sell second hand, discounted, or outlet bags?
I am looking to buy a second hand BigAirBag, what should I look out for?
I want to sell my old BigAirBag, what are my options?
How can I make sure I am up to date with the local regulations?
I am noticing some issues with the BigAirBag, what’s the best way to troubleshoot this for a fast answer?
Can I use my BigAirBag without a Topsheet?
I am looking to purchase spare parts for my BigAirBag, what’s the easiest way to do this?
I have lost my digital pressure manometer; how can I get a new one?
How can I access technical certificates? (Fire retardancy, TUV certificate, etc)
I have lost my manual, how do I get a new one?
What pressure should my BigAirBag be at?
How often should I check my BigAirBag?
How do I book my annual inspection for my BigAirBag?
There has been an accident on my BigAirBag what should I do?
I have lost my BigAirBag operating manual, how can I get a new one?
How can I re-train my staff on how to operate the BigAirBag?
How often should I check my BigAirBag?
How can I book an annual inspection or a service appointment on-site or remote?
I have another problem with my BigAirBag, how can I fix this?
The BigAirBag alarm system keeps going off
There is a tear in the BigAirBag
I think my BigAirBag is too hard / firm
I think my BigAirBag is too soft
My blower is making a strange sound
I want some awesome BigAirBag stickers, how can I get some?
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