24th October 2009 Two BigAirBAGs to Sweden For this Season there are two BigAirBAG 15x11 going to Sweden. One to Branäs and… Tomas Huting
23rd October 2009 Olympics training with Mathieu Crepel In the upcomming week BigAirBAG will help to train the French olympic candidate Mathieu Crépel… Tomas Huting
22nd October 2009 Restyled BigAirBAG for Hemsedal The snowseason for Norway is going to start in November. For the BigAirBAG in Hemsedal,… Tomas Huting
19th October 2009 BigAirBAG at Trade Fair “Fiera campionaria di Bergamo 2009” From 24 till 1 November the BigAirBAG is located on the "Fiera campionaria di Bergamo… Tomas Huting
11th October 2009 Park opening Vierli 21 November the park in Vierli is going to open. The park is this year… Tomas Huting
10th October 2009 BigAirBAG Event Super Besse 23, 24 and 25 october there will be an event in Super Besse in France.… Tomas Huting
7th October 2009 TradeFair Bergamo A Big setup at the tradefair in Bergamo. Neveplast had a setup of 2 ramps… Tomas Huting
6th October 2009 Sappeen Kesa Improvement Here you can see that the training starts at 0 level and improves Tomas Huting
29th September 2009 Jon Ollson We found out that not only normal snowboarders and skiérs are enjoying the benefits of… Tomas Huting
29th September 2009 Jon Ollson We found out that not only normal snowboarders and skiérs are enjoying the benefits of… Tomas Huting
24th September 2009 Final Avalanche Trophy On Friday, 2 Oct till 4 Oct. 2009 the final stage of the Saab Salomon… Tomas Huting
24th September 2009 BigAirBAG at Trade Fair Bergamo In the weekend of 2, 3 and 4 October there will be a Trade Fair… Tomas Huting
24th September 2009 Back-Front Flip with a Helmet Cam This movie was made this summer in Bulgaria. The crowd are constanly jumping backflip and… Tomas Huting
17th September 2009 BigAirBAG to Vercorin A beautiful ski area in Wallis Switserland, called Vercorin has bought there own BigAirBAG for… Tomas Huting
11th September 2009 BigAirBAG great for sponsors After two years of testing full color on the BigAirBAG, we can say that we… Tomas Huting
7th September 2009 Article Winter Sports Technology International UKintpress is an international magazine located in the United Kindom. This magazine will be send… Tomas Huting
2nd September 2009 TNT BigAirBAG A new 15x11 bigairbag for a company TNT in France. The bigairbag will be operational… Tomas Huting
1st September 2009 Ride Snowboards This is the new layout for the Ride Snowboards BigAirBAG. This bag will be used… Tomas Huting